The coming years, we will likely be even more spaced about. I'm sure that I'll be spending a chunk of my time and $$ to visit them.
I'll likely be away for Christmas this year. I'm sure that will be tough.
I have been lucky enough to travel in Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Northern Africa and parts of the Caribbean. But in each case, I was always covered by a larger rule-of-law. I could put myself in stupid or dangerous situations, but in the back of my mind, I could always assume that the some sort of legal standard would apply, should I get myself in a real fix.
The Places in Between - Rory Stewart - Afghanistan
Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson - Pakistan
Sahara Unveiled - William Langewiesche - Northern Africa
The Kite Runner - Khaled-Hosseini - Afghanistan (book/movie)
Slumdog Millionaire - Mumbai, India (movie)
I am doing lots of reading, but the list may surprise you. Yes, I have been checking out cheap airfares, round-the-world stuff and visa/vaccine sites, yet the reading is mostly head-space stuff. I hope to spend 3-6 months in New Zealand and know nothing of the place. I am reading travel journals, following travellers on Twitter, reading a book about a walk across Afghanistan a few years ago, collections of travel stories, etc.
As a student, I was at Dal and had to pay $$$.
As a staff person, I was at Dal but received $$$.
As a retiree, I'm not at Dal and yet I still receive $$$.
“No one approaches the Father but through me.” (John 14:6)That's where I get really hung up. Does your average Christian really believe that there will be no Muslims in their Heaven? How can this be? Surely there are many paths to this one God.
Can you enjoy a $2000 stereo?
I have a stereo that costs about $1000 and I've had it for years. I have extracted enough enjoyment out of it already that if it disappeared, I'd have no complaints. What would I buy to replace it? Considering I spend 8-10 hours a day listening to music, you might think I'd get some nice new gear.- Cost of the article based on my budget
- The setting in which I get to use the article
- How much usage I could realistically expect
- My experience in the particular area
Like I said, I have a $1000 stereo, and would like to replace it with one worth about $1500. In order to enjoy such an expensive stereo, I'd have to be pretty comfy with the $$$, or the other factors would have to carry a lot of weight. Would I go into debt to buy a nice stereo, not likely. Budget-wise, I'd top out at around $500 right now. I don't see this changing much in the next few years.SETTING
In order to enjoy a good stereo, you have to be able to listen to it. Not necessarily at a loud volume, altho that is the fun part of a big stereo. I mean do you have a nice room that lets you place the speakers properly. Are you in a neighbourhood when a few extra decibels won't have the cops at your door? Do you live with someone who does not want to hear your choice of music and thus you can only play the stereo when they are not around. Do you listen to music that can show off the range of your setup, or it is all Sousa music.USAGE
This is the one that gets me. I spend many hours listening to music, but most of it on a $50 radio in the kitchen, a $150 stereo in my room or on my computer at work. The big $1000 beast is currently reserved for special occasions a few times a week. Now in the past, I used to run that thing all day. My kids tell stories of me shipping them off to bed, then me cracking a few beers and blasting (literally) the tunes for a few hours.EXPERIENCE
I have heard stereos at $1500, $2000, $4000 and beyond. Realistically, for me, I'd top out at $1500. After that, I wouldn't get much out of it. Now, let me have the thing for a few years, let me listen to it for hours a days and offer me a stereo worth twice as much and sure, I'd be ready for it. But me right now, $1500 would make me very happy indeed.- Price $500I'd buy the $300 stereo, because realistically, I would enjoy that more than the other options.
- Setting $2000
- Usage $300
- Experience $1500
Can you enjoy a $0.60 can of beans?
It has been argued that all pleasure is basically release from tension. Sounds simplistic, but think of hunger, sexual pleasure, having a good dump, getting that job after blowing the interview. We are simple beings. My questions is this: What does it take to enjoy a $0.60 can of beans? The word I use is contrast. What situation would you have to find yourself in that the can of beans provides a lot of enjoyment?