My current working theory? Everyone has a personal view of themselves and a working world view. As they take in and absorb news, it is filtered? by their world view. We tend to listen more closely to news that agrees with our world view (and conversely shut out conflicting news and opinions). It takes an open mind or a LOT of opposing information to shift our strongly held views.
But why does this person have a negative view when they seem like such a positive person otherwise? No idea. Why it is so much fun asking this question and getting people riled up.
The rules are simple as is the question. The only possible answers are Better/Worse
Is the world getting Better or Worse?
Yes, many things are better or worse, but if you have to pick just ONE answer to ONE question...what is your answer? It tells a lot about you.
Me. I'm a Better person. Why? My simplest answers...
- Civil rights, (women, gay people, black people)
- Democracy is growing steadily
- Education. Educate a person and their whole life changes
Yes, the wars keep happening, but are certainly no worse than just a few generations ago. We are slowly but surely pulling ourselves along...as long as we still have a planet to live on to get far enough along this path to congratulate ourselves.